
H.I.P.P.O on the BEACH

              It's winter but not for everyone:
Hippo just arrived from the city with his Ghettoblaster and his pink bikini. He put a good street's sound before starting a magic performance of Booty shake... leaving people around so confused...
( I promise some illustrations of this scene of course )


K.I.T.C.H.E.N 70's

Huummm it smells good the old "mamie cocotte"'s  kitchen ....Formica, big flower and orange tones...
( but also a big cookies jar with not so fresh biscuits... )


R.A.C.C.O.O.N come back




   My friend "raccoon" is coming back today with these 3 illustrations :)
It's actually really difficult to work on the book, but we hope to have more time soon to 
continue this project!



            AND...... the reason of this delay is ...ELIOTT :)


 Excerpts of my first children book ! 
I illustrated the book "Le Bain d'un Super Hero"
printing was delayed, but it's coming soon!


Ho! OKOK that's been a long time...updates are needed! 
Here somes pictures maded this summer for school book .
Project was : " le droit civique ". It was made in order to learn good thinks to do (or not ) to 7/8 years old childrens. 
( but i don't know if 3 boys running behind a girl is a good think or not)